Why subscribe?
Does this sound familiar? You care about our schools, but don’t really have the time or energy to keep up with everything that’s going on. Or maybe you want something more than the feel-good photos or nasty comments that make up so much of what you can see about our schools online. Lots of my friends and neighbors are in the same boat, and this is the big reason I write this newsletter.
I write about the major issues facing our schools. I often offer my own take on these issues too, giving you more context and background than you’ll find elsewhere.
What others are saying…
“I applaud your articulate, level-headed explanations.”
“We appreciate your courage to speak out. Thank you.”
“The clarity of your articles is appreciated and your frequent engagement with the community is a testament to your dedication.”
“I want to thank you for your voice of reason. Your leadership is appreciated.”
Who am I, anyway?
I’m glad you asked! I live in Emmaus and am the father of two kids who have gone through the East Penn School District. I served as a school board member in the district from 2013-2021. And even though my wife will probably kill me for doing so, let me share a winter 2023 photo of the four of us:
By day I’m a professor of sociology and chair of the Sociology & Anthropology Department at Lehigh University. I received my BA from the University of Chicago in 1993 and my PhD from Harvard University in 2002.
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